We all have different lifestyle, others have day jobs and some have none.
We need travel to learn, to explore, to meet people and to
have fun but
does it fits our lifestyle? We have to admit that the style of full time
travelers would not work for every one. However, we are also aware that
there are many different types and ways to travel that works for you.

Here are some travel types that maybe fits your ideal way of traveling. Related image

1.  Solo Travel

Try to travel all by yourself without any companion. That is were you learn

the most.

2. Travel with family

Travel with our families can help us form or construct an idea of what we

want – and don’t want – out of travel.

3. The Weekend Break

Due to your weekday jobs, you don’t have enough time to sleep and relax.

But don’t  worry,  you can still travel by getting short weekend getaways.

4. Travel with friends

You should travel with your friends to know if your relationship is a good
one. Grow up together!

5. Backpacking

You and Your bag are partners but choose to upgrade! choose backpack lol .

6. The Group Tour

you will be automatically thrown into the mix with a lot of people who share

your interests and you will probably make some new friends. So Travelling

with a group is another must-do.

7. Visiting friends and relatives

Some of us usually go for a vacation to see our love ones, maybe in provinces

or abroad.

8. Business Travel

While you are busy engaging in partnership signing or bill paying. Why don’t you

visit some tourist attraction when you have a time.

9. Once-in-a-lifetime Adventure

Check you bucket list and work for it. I promise, it will be memorable.

” Enjoy life. Make every minutes special and and every second unforgettable. ”
-Mil Jude San Juan






5 thoughts on “WAYS OF TRAVELING

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      1. I hear you! I love traveling with friends too, just most are having families now so it makes it tough, but still have time to do the Boundary Waters trips and stuff like that just not the exotic locales or the places I really want to go to like, Japan, New Zealand South America, places like that. And my brothers always up for a trip just have to time it out right for both of us!


      1. Well I should say the rare times I travel, haven’t been anywhere near those cool places like you though it’s a dream I want to make happen. The goal is to sell the house here in the next few few months, build a small energy-efficient house 500 square feet or so, and then be able to do more traveling!

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